Wednesday, July 29, 2020

100 Generations Let's Play - Episode 3 - The First Day of Work

Episode 3:

March 21st

With nothing to do, I decided to play in the snow for a little bit. It’s softly snowing and it really looks so pretty. Maybe I will do a snow angel and just lay there for a bit. That would be nice. Ooh maybe there are some like odd jobs I could do around the neighbourhood? That will give me some money to be able to fill this empty lot. I stare at the snow… and I shake my head. I will play in the snow later. I need to find something that will give me that money.

I take out my phone from my pocket and scroll through to see if anything pops out at me. Oh! I found a job! Actually I found two!

One is about collecting seashells which would let me travel to Sulani and the other to do some lawn maintenance….which to pick… I think I am going to do the one that has 23 simoleons per hour. It’s just some lawn maintenance …. It can’t be that hard right. Plus it will give me some more money compared to collecting seashells. So I quickly accept the job. It’s starts in a half hour… so I think I will play some video games on my phone and eat some of that…. Fruit cake, I shivered at that thought. It was so gross but it is all the food I have right now.

After playing some mobile games and eating the half hour passed by as quickly as I thought it would. Then I leave to go do some much need lawn maintenance… in winter… where there is snow… why do they need lawn maintenance at a time like this?

I come back dejectedly.

Okay, that was just plain dumb…. I still don’t know how they have grass to begin with! I had to mow their lawn. I didn’t see it okay. It was hidden so well. I didn’t mean to run over that sprinkler.

And now I am tired and grouchy. it’s time to sleep… on this pathetic bench.


March 22nd

I wake up and decided to have some of this gross fruit cake since it’s the only thing I have. And chill… here in the cold… Why did I decide to do this? Especially in the middle of winter! I need to get some money… and quickly, gladly I start my first day soon. Then hopefully I will get a promotion and then a raise. Oh I am getting so excited for this.  I should play games on my phone though… it is a requirement to play some games before work apparently. You know to raise those gamer skills!

Well time for work! I’m so nervous! It’s my first day!

Annnd I run into a thing at work… ugh and on my first day too! I work in a help center and the first person I get… well let’s just say I recognize his name… Jerry McGee. My first ex-boyfriend and of course I got stuck with him… what should I do?

Should I be professional and just do my job or should I pass him along to my co-workers and make up a lame excuse as to why I can’t help him?

Hmm I think I will ask profession cause I am at work, it would look bad if I said I couldn’t take him, considering he is my first one without someone directly helping out. Maybe he won’t even know it is me?

And I was right! He didn’t even know! I did such a great job helping him out that I manage to gain for positive performance yay! My co-workers were so impressed with me know exactly what he wanted… I’m not going to let them know I knew him. It will ruin the secret!

Now that work is over and I got some simoleons in my pocket! I’m going to check if I can buy a tent. I pull out my phone and search for tent prices…and I still don’t have enough to buy one. Holy, these tents are expensive! Whelp… gotta fix that soon, but first I need to clean myself up… I think I am going to go to the gym and take a shower. Maybe meet someone there…… who knows really!?

Time passes

I get to the gym and well… I’m a little disappointed. There weren’t any cute boys there. Oh well, I guess it’s a bit of a good thing. When I go exercise. I would feel self-conscious about myself. That’s a plus right? But first… I need a shower. I know I will get smelly again but I really don’t want to smell that bad while I am working out. Oh maybe I will try some boxing. It looks like a lot of fun.

Right Ryleah! I need to shower first.

Time passes

Ohh this was a really good workout! But I am starving and exhausted. I glance up from the equipment and notice some cutes guys watching me. Oh I recognize some of them. They were at the café! Maybe I should go say hi… but I really need to … well … you… release the fluids. Oh maybe a quick hello and then I will run.

More time passes

Okay… maybe there was some more needs that needed to be fixed but they are all done! Now I just need to work on that gaming skills before work! Which starts in 2 hours. I can’t believe I spent the night here. The couches weren’t that bad. I might need to do that again… if I don’t get a promotion today…. Oh I hope I get a promotion!

March 23rd

I come back from work super excited. I got a promotion! I am so happy! They thought I was doing a stellar job so here I am climbing up my ranks.

Now I have enough money for a tent! I am so excited. No more sleeping on cold benches for me! Now I get to sleep on the cold ground in a tent. I rather that the Brindleton Bay’s frosty wind whipping around me!

I quickly scan my phone and found a tent that I absolutely adore. Its cheetah print purple! I honestly love it. They deliver it so quickly! I set up my tent and Tada! I have a new home. Gah… I’m moving forward in my life. I am so giddy!

I also have some extra money left over… Maybe I will build a room that will hold my shower. Then I won’t have to keep going to the gym. Wouldn’t that be so exciting!

Oh… I built the room but, I don’t have enough for the actual shower. Oh well I can last one more day without a shower. I at least have my first room. I am ecstatic. Ryleah Valentia here I come!

Well, now that excitement wore off maybe I should clean up my dirty plates before I go to sleep. I am so tired.

March 24-26

The next few days were spent in a cycle. Work, Gym, Library, Sleep. Over and over again. I saw Cameron once but it seemed like he didn’t see me wave. Oh well. There’s always next time right. Nothing really interesting has happened since I started my job. Who know maybe sometime in the future it will be pack full of crazy shenanigans … only time will tell…

To be continued...